Mechanical resonance has been shown to produce high growth inhibition in a characterized bacterial strain when using modulated electromagnetic fields. Effectiveness occurs after only one hour of treatment. Existing MRI rooms and personnel can be used to operate the required Plan BES devices.
MedScienceSwiss AG is developing the technology of the future for the treatment of resistant bacteria and has the potential to significantly reduce the number of deaths in hospitals due to nosocomial infections and save a lot of time, resources and money for the benefit of patients, payers and nat. health services. Our products Plan BES are not only an alternative to the current plan A which are antibiotics, but a revolutionary approach to treatment resistent bacteria.
patented technology

highly efficient

fast onset of action

easy to integrate
The Problem
Too many deaths in the intensive care units by multidrug resistant bacteria. The multi resistance is increasing yearly threatening always more patients. Pathogens with multiple resistances to antibiotics (multidrug-resistant pathogens, MRE) are bacteria against which most antibiotics have become ineffective.

The Challenge
3 Mio patients worldwide are victims of nosocomial infections yearly. Plan BES strives to replace this antibiotic resistance with a novel non-pharmaceutical therapy.
The Solution
Our Swiss-based company developed a new therapy by damaging /destroying the bacterial membrane based on destructive resonance with our new therapeutical devices. Breaking the peptidoglycan membrane with our resonance technique is possible for Gram positive as well as for Gram negative germs.
The machines can be operated by standard MRI technicians and placed in existing MRI rooms. This makes the solution easy to integrate in existing facilities.

Advantages of our approach
- Non-Toxic: Electromagnetic fields do not require chemicals and toxic compounds
- No resistance: pathogens are unable to develop resistance to these fields
- Physical mechanism : Short-term application damages the membrane of the germs – with RNA leakage – so that they can neither live nor reproduce.
- All tissues: our modulated high-energy fields penetrate all types of tissue without damage of them
The Results
The modulated excitation of the frequencies and their destructive effect on the different bacteria was achieved first through lengthy experimentation and fine-tuning and later through the development of a computer programmed in conjunction with the light microscope.
The use of specific resonance frequencies allows selective reduction of bacterial load, and it has been shown that each germ requires a different electromagnetic field tuned to its resonance and is thus highly specific.
Depending on the strain of bacteria, elimination rates of between 50 and 90 % were observed within 65 minutes of treatment.

Interested Partner I: Hospitals
Pressure from patients on hospitals to purchase efficient equipment against nosocomial diseases to reduce avoidable deaths.

Interested Partner II: Insurance Companies
Recognition by health insurance companies due to significant cost savings of therapy.

Interested partner III: National Health Services
Reduction of productivity losses by work absenteeism, early retirement and premature death